
Revised Start Dates

Please be kind, this is a new situation for us and our own families, as well as for you

A huge huge thank you to those of you who have messaged expressing your support, your continued loyalty and reassuring words. It is hugely appreciated during these very difficult times and means a lot to those of us who are at the end receiving the emails, phone calls and social media messages 

This is who you are making contact with and who sincerely appreciate your kind words.....


Ashleigh is a mum of a toddler....with another on the way, juggling a work and family life with a husband who works long hours away from home.


Kate is a mum of 2 young children, who have only returned to school this week. Kate is juggling work, family life and a husband working from home.


Naiomi is a mum of 3 young children, all home educated. Naiomi has been delivering swimming lessons the last 5weeks in the new format to ensure they are delivered smoothly and COVID-safe. Naiomi is juggling, work, family life and a husband working from home.

We all continue to experience very challenging, emotional, and at times uncertain for all of us.

However, with this message of thanks, we must also ask that people remain patient and be kind.

We appreciate that our new class structures and changing availability may not suit everyone's needs and as we have always done, we endeavour to be flexible where we can. But these new measures are in place for good reason, to keep you safe, to ensure our staff are kept safe and well and ultimately ensure we can stay open and continue to operate.

These measures follow government guidance, without them we risk having to close our venues.

Please read and re-read your email before you send it and be kind when you speak to our staff and volunteers who ultimately want to see the best for you all.

We value your constructive feedback, however we will not tolerate abusive or threatening emails, phone calls, messages or conversations.

We will not stand to be shouted at, listen to foul language over the phone, threatened with legal action or abused in our workplace as we work hard to keep you all safe and teach your children a lifelong skill.

We thank you for your understanding and our need to deliver this message.

We have put in place rescheduled start dates as below; these are provisional start dates and if there are any changes you will be notified directly by email:

  • Sherburn High School - 19th Sept
  • The Mount, York - 26th Sept
  • Bubwith - 13th Sept
  • Home Education (Bubwith) - 13th August
  • Riverside, Goole - 2nd November
  • Barmby Moor - 8th Sept
  • DW Derby - 28th Sept
  • Garforth - 2nd November
We are overwhelmed with emails and enquiries at the moment, so please be patient. We are working our way through your emails and we thank you for your patience in this matter; we will endeavour to respond within 5working days.
We hope to see you all back in the pool soon!
?Carol, Naiomi & CSSSFamily?
Please DO still email us:
Please note: Our phones are currently offline.