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Mermaid and Mermaster Academy - 5weeks (1hour / Week) - £75
Mermaid Cove Academy host 5 week terms (1hour/week) for Mermaids and Mermasters to experience and develop their Mer-Swimming techniques and skills.
What do our Merpeeps and MerApprentices do at the Mermaid Academy?
Merpeeps will learn progressive aquatic movements through each term and developing through the Academy programme.
We have a Mermazing time! We practice Tail & Skin care, Water Safety, Marine Conservation, endless MerSkills, Mersigns, Tailflicks, Photography, Games and finish off with MerFives!
All equipment including monofins and tails are provided by Mermaid Cove Academy for the first term.
Safety & Prerequisites
Safety of our Merpeeps is of utmost importance and so all participants must be able to meet the following criteria:
- Be a minimum of 6years old
- Swim 25 metres comfortably with your face in the water
- Be able to submerge their face fully whilst swimming
- Be able to tread water in both shallow and deep water
- Be able to lift their knees and turn 360degrees in both directions
- Be able to demonstrate a basic dolphin kick for 5 metres
Please watch the following video to ensure participants meet the Safety criteria:
**Participants will undertake the water safety test at the first Academy session. If the participant is unable to complete the safety test they will be unable to continue with the Mermaid Academy Programme. To avoid Apprentice Meerpeeps being disappointed please ensure they can undertake the prerequiste safety swims**